‘Out of Tamil Nadu Theory’: Forgotten Facts About How Humans Migrated from Tamil Nadu

2 min readJul 25, 2021


The popular hypothesis is that the Modern Human evolved in Eastern Africa 2,85,000 years ago and migrated to other parts of the world around 1,00,000 years ago.

But a fossil found in Israel made this theory to look back its dates as that fossil is found to be 1,75,000 years ago.

The Middle Paleolithic culture in India is dated back to 125000 years ago.

Based on the stone tools and fossil studies, the Middle Palaeolithic culture (called the Middle Stone Age in Africa) is associated with modern humans in Africa, while it is associated with both modern humans and Neanderthals in Israel. But in Europe, the Middle Palaeolithic culture is associated only with Neanderthals.

This is popularly called as ‘Out of Africa’ theory or hypothesis.

This is hypothesis is being questioned after some of the artefacts found in Tamil Nadu.

Where is the site located?

The site is located at Attirampakkam, 60km northwest to Tamil Nadu’s capital city Chennai near the basin of Kortallaiyar river.

How it is changing the ‘Out of Africa’ theory?

Attirampakkam site has both Acheulean period at 385000 years ago and extending to Middle Paleolithic period until around 172000 years ago.

As of now we don’t have any fossil to predict which hominims used these artefacts. So we cannot judge these artefacts are used by early humans or any other Homonims.

The Indian subcontinent lies between East Africa, Dmanisi in Georgia and Sangiran in Southeast Asia. These regions contain paleoanthropological records — in the form of fossils or stone artefacts — dating back to 1.8 million years or earlier. Attirampakkam must have been at a biological or technological crossroads as humans evolved and dispersed.

But this research has thrown a stone to ‘Out of Africa’ theory. More research has to be done to prove that these artefacts are used by Early Homo Sapiens and they migrated to other world.

The Historians must have more insights to predict the evolution of Human Beings which is getting complex everyday.


  1. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/science-technology/stone-age-tools-found-in-tamil-nadu-suggest-re-framing-of-out-of-africa-theories-59635
  2. https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/stone-age-tools-found-in-tamil-nadu-suggest-a-relook-at-popular-out-of-africa-th/307732
  3. https://thewire.in/science/stone-tools-found-tamil-nadu-suggest-humans-left-africa-much-earlier
  4. https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/archaeological-site-near-chennai-shows-the-long-process-of-human-evolution/article22612382.ece
  5. https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2018/oldest-human-fossil-found-outside-africa-sheds-light-behavior-early-homo-sapiens/






Eccentric, Maverick, Non-conformist, Entrepreneur, Investor & Civil Engineer

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