Corona Devi & Indian Belief System
People in Coimbatore city in Tamil Nadu has built a temple for Corona to eradicate the virus from the world. This may be fascinating to a lot of people especially to ‘Educated Stock’. But this shows a lot about the belief system of Indians from Pre-Vedic Age to this Information age.
Those who read about ‘Corona Devi’ would be confused about why they were started worshipping a ‘Virus’ instead of taking the Vaccine to safeguard them. Read this article to know why people started to worship a virus and the history of the belief system in India.
Even in Pre-Vedic Age, people have worshipped Animals like Lion, Tiger and Snakes as Gods because of the fear factor. After Indians started to settle in Indus Valley and get Civilized. There was a change in their belief system.
Indus Valley people started to worship Mother Goddess ( Mother Goddess statue found in Harappa), as mostly mother would be taking care of them and ‘Five Elements’- Fire, Water, Sky, Earth etc as they would benefit from utilizing these natural elements.
When the civilization started to expand and there gave a rise to the conflict of interest and resources. This led to the rise of ‘Warriors, Kings and Philosophers’ getting worshipped like Gods as they protect the people from danger, discipline them to lead a happy life and eventually achieve ‘Moksha’.
This was the case till Industrialization then ‘Money and Materialism’ took over as the undisputed God of those time. And in the Information Age, people’s belief system turned towards Celebrity and their Lavish lifestyle as everyone is busy scrolling their Instagram feed. This is one of the reasons why Sachin is perceived as ‘God of Cricket’ and everyone taking blessings from Dhoni.
So you’ve read about the history of the belief system and still fascinated about why they are worshipping a ‘Virus’. Please read further…
Even in this scientific age, people have always moved towards some sort of ‘super-heavenly things’ in time of crisis. This can be found as a shred of evidence in Plaque Mariamman Temple in same Coimbatore City, Tamil Nadu. People started to worship this deity at the time of the Plaque outbreak to save them. People had always started to believe in exterior things when they are in danger and in times of uncertainty. This is the reason why some people have started to worship a Virus as God.
As Climate change is going to take place rapidly, there are more disease and epidemic to haunt the Indians. When I’m writing this article, the Black, White and Yellow Fungus outbreak had started in India.
Somewhere in the Indian education system, we have forgotten to teach one of the fundamental duty enshrined in our Constitution, Article 51A which states that “It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to develop scientific temper…”
Science has always redefined what God is. But Indian have a long tradition of “Worshipping leaders as Gods and Gods as Servants”. Indians should start taking a scientific temper to encounter the crisis, perceive Leaders as servants to find the true sense of ‘what is God’.
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